Injuries continue to pile up at Real Madrid, as one of the biggest problems since the end of last season of 2019/20.
The previous season ended with a 50th jubilee injury for the Real Madrid team.
Not even this year is much better and after only six weeks there have already been 15 cases of player injuries.
Zinedine Zidane was supposed to hide his embarrassment with the situation, but on Tuesday he admitted issues were seriously changing his plans, with 12 players all having gone through the lab this season.
It is true that, as Zidane says, all teams have injuries, but no one has had as many as the Kings.

Their 15th injury this season is well ahead of the seven injuries to Barcelona and six to Atletico Madrid.
Sixty-five injuries in 13 months is a lot to deal with, and Zidane continues to manage a situation he does not understand.